
How to limit screen time for kids: Psychologist shared tips

One of the mistakes we make in parenting is asking kids to avoid screen time. With the changing times, it is important that children have healthy screen time in order to gain information and knowledge. However, when they cross the limit of screen time and become addicted to it, it can become a problem. "Some people draw concern labeling screens a privilege but to me, that's what they are (outside of using them for schoolwork or some project - I'm talking about using screens for mostly entertainment value). They are nice to have," wrote Psychologist Jazmine McCoy. It is important to build a foundation of open communication, healthy screen habits and digital safety in kids at an early age. Here are a few tips shared by the expert:

How to limit screen time for kids: Psychologist shared tips(Emily Wade on Unsplash)
How to limit screen time for kids: Psychologist shared tips(Emily Wade on Unsplash)

ALSO READ: Screen time and children: When to introduce it and how much is appropriate

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A post shared by Dr. Jazmine | Parenting (@themompsychologist)

Create a schedule around screen time: Instead of restricting the children from accessing the screen, we should create a schedule around the screen time. An amalgam of other productive things with a short time span dedicated to screen time can help the kids to look forward to it, all the while sticking to the schedule.

Develop a family media plan: The entire family should get together and decide on a media plan. While it is important to keep the phones away while having dinner together or spending time together, we can also arrange for family movie nights where we all get together and watch our favourite family movie.

Opt for quality screen time: Instead of mindless screen consumption, we should encourage children to engage with others, solve problems, be creative and exercise self-care with their allotted screen time.

Use media exposure as teaching moments: We should use the screen time to teach them things. Be it informative TV shows or films that are thoughtful, children can learn a lot from the screen.